Glimpses of Beauty


Movie seen on flight back home, 1.11.2024

It's a beautiful movie about an unspoken loveaffair between two childhood friends: Ahn Mi-so and Go Ha-eun. Mi-so (or Janis Joplin as she sometimes introduces herself) is a rebel, apsiring artist and an absolute icon. Ha-eun is more traditional, but her strenght is nothing if not amazing. The film is also visually stunning and the use of a old blog as a narration device is increadibly clever. It's funny, nostalgic and heartbreaking. It made the grueling 10 hour flight a lot more berable.

Arcade in San Luis Obispo

A memory from a trip to the States, 30.10.2024

On my way from San Jose to Los Angeles I stoped in a town I'm tempted to call small, but don't actually know how big it was. I was driving that day - my first time on an American interstate. I was so tired when we finally made it to the motel, and the only reason we did arive in one piece was my brother's genious idea to play "white girl music" when I was falling asleep at the wheel. But we decided to go out anyway. We where walking around the downtown when I spotted it. The neon colors of an arcade spilling onto the pavment. I dragged my family in and, before anyone could stop me, baught five dollars worth of tokens. I played Street Fighter and Terminator with my brother. I also (somehow) managed to get the high score in Asteroids. Turns out all those movies and books where right, arcades don't feel quite real. So I kept one of the tokens, a little keepsake from a different realm. You can take it and play something too :)


Title description, Sep 2, 2017

Some text..

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